Monday, October 6, 2008

Primate Car Security

Sometimes commercials don't have to make sense.

This ad was brought to my attention by the girl who sits next to me in Feature Writing, Laura. Be sure to check out her movie blog so she gets views from someone other than her boyfriend.

When I watched the commercial at first, I thought, 'What the...' but then I was like, "Ohh."

This was a humorous attempt at drawing the viewer in using a monkey as some Impala's security system. You have to admit, the premise is pretty funny.

This is also an example of commercials becoming more violent nowadays. The ad gurus want to shock us into remembering the product. I think this worked in Laura's case because she even remembered the name of the commercial: Trunk Monkey.

One problem I have with this ad is, does it work? I don't know if anyone is convinced into buying Ford for their next car because of a funny, hypothetically pending security system.

But then again, not all commercial have to make sense.