Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Romeo and Juliet of Lizard Thai Ceiling Commercials

I have an hour before Editing class starts. Let's see if I can get this one done.

I like things that are sad, yet funny.

Like this icon someone had on LiveJournal:

Doesn't it break your heart, yet make you smile?

I like things like that. Naturally, a commercial with that formula will certainly catch my eye.

This next ad is from Thailand. It combines a tragic love story, conflict and great product placement.

There are so many things that make this such a brilliant ad.

First off, there are cute animated lizards. The Geico gecko has nothing on these two. From the start, you're pulling for these cold-blooded lovers.

Next, comes our escalation - the ceiling tile they were on is cracking! The cute lizards' jaws drop. (Making them even more adorable.) What will they do?

Our climax. One lizard falls through the crack, but the other grabs her hand. (or foot?) Their grip loosens; their eyes begin to water. They know she's not going to make it, so they say something in lizard speak, which is probably -

"I love you."
"I love you too. If only they had better ceiling tile!"

but of course I'm no translator...

Anyway, the lizard falls slowly to her demise on a Thai man's chessboard. That shot reminded me of the most emotional movie of my childhood - The Lion King. I would watch that once a week, but I would turn away from the TV when Mufasa fell off the cliff.

After watching his OTP (One True Partner in uber geeky internet talk) fall to her death, the surviving lizard can't bear to live. So in true Romeo fashion, he flings himself down to join her fate.

My favorite part of this commercial is the men's acting. When they see the lizard about to commit suicide, they start freaking out. I especially like the man in the blue shirt's reaction. Then after the fall, they get so emotional that they start hitting the the guy in the beater for not having a better ceiling.

This ad was wonderfully done. The marketing genius who came up with the concept should get a raise. I wish we had comedic spots that are intelligent like that over here.

If this commercial doesn't sell ceiling tile, it certainly will make 8-year-old girls cry, or senile old men smile.

(Oh and I have 20 min left to walk over to Editing. Score!)

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